Senator Casey Unveils Legislation to Increase Medicaid Home Care Funding


Senator Robert Casey (D-PA), a staunch friend of the elderly and disabled, has unveiled legislation that would provide a 10 percent increase to the federal share (FMAP) of home and community-based services (HCBS) for two years. The legislation would essentially extend the HCBS funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and provide states with an additional two years of funding. The draft legislation provides a list of allowable uses for the funding, including:

Increasing payments to HCBS and home health providers;

  • Providing sick leave and benefits to workers;
  • Reducing waiting lists for HCBS waivers;
  • Worker recruitment activities; and
  • Other activities approved by CMS.

According to the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association, Senator Casey intends to formally introduce the bill later in October.

NAHC has contacted the Senator’s office to request that the legislation specifically include Private Duty Nursing as a service included in the 10 percent increase.